Nock for Everyday Coders, Part 1: Basic Functions and Opcodes

By ~timluc-miptev

Series Outline

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Getting Started and Confusing Points
  3. Nock's Simplest Functions, 0 and 1
  4. 4, the Incrementing Function
  5. Cell-Maker (aka the Distribution Rule)
  6. 3 and 5, the "Is This a Cell?" and "Equality Test" Functions
  7. 2, the "Subject-Altering" Function
  8. Summary and First Hoon Connections
  9. End of Part 1


For Whom?

Nock is not super complex, and most normal programmers can learn the basics of it rapidly. The mental model you gain from Nock turns out to be very useful in learning Hoon and understanding Urbit.

The Urbit docs generally suggest not worrying about Nock, but it's very simple and small, so I think most normal programmers will feel more comfortable in Hoon if they learn its basics.

By "normal programmer", I mean: a person of somewhat above-average IQ (programming is a pretty self-selecting profession) who works relatively high up the modern tech stack, abstracted from low-level stuff. His/her day job likely consists of a lot of React/JS/SQL/Rails/Java etc, and he/she is not really familiar with assembly/OS stuff. That describes me and most programmers I know.

Why Is This Necessary?

The official Nock docs on the Urbit site are accurate, thorough, and well-explained. However, they take a little while to get to the practical examples, and probably lose a fair number of people along the way. I'm not trying to be original; I'm just a translator.

If I say something here and you're like "wait, isn't that already in the Nock docs?", the answer is yes, it is; I'm just changing the order for clarity/teaching purposes, in ways that were helpful to me when I learned.

Goals by the End of the Series

Getting Started--Confusing Points

When people first look at Nock, they see the definition page, which, tbh, is fairly intimidating.

I'm talking about lines like this in the spec:

/[(a + a) b]        /[2 /[a b]]

The problem is, the programmer already probably knows that Nock code he's seen looks more like the below--just lists of numbers, with no symbols:

  [5 [0 6] [1 0]]
  [0 7]
  [9 4 [[0 2] [2 [0 6] [0 5]] [4 0 7]]]

So what gives? Which one is the "real" Nock?

Phases of Nock

We are looking at two different things in the examples above:

  1. Pseudocode for how to interpret
  2. Nock code to be interpreted (the lists of numbers)

The symbols and spec are pseudocode, not real Nock code. They could just as easily be written in English, and they will never be written down as actual Nock code and given to an interpreter. They represent what an interpreter should do to turn Nock code into interpreter instructions.

The lists of numbers are the actual Nock code. This is what you feed to an interpreter to get some result.

What Is a Nock Interpreter?

An interpreter can be a computer program, or it can be a human manually expanding Nock code into results. In both cases, the program and human have to know the Nock pseudocode in order to do the right thing with incoming Nock code.

So a Nock interpreter is any entity that takes Nock code as input, and gives a noun as output. A noun can be:

:: a number
:: a cell (pair with two elements)
[782 9872]
:: each element can itself be a pair
[782 [9872 89728]]
:: the above can be written as
[782 9872 89728]

How to Run Nock Code

We will be expanding Nock pseudocode manually in the examples that follow, in effect acting as our own interpreter.

If we want to check that we're getting the right results from our manual interpretation, the Urbit dojo has a Hoon function that runs Nock code (i.e. a Nock interpreter). To use it:

  1. Start up a dojo session (see here for how to create a fake ship)
  2. At the prompt, we can execute Nock with .*(NOCK_SUBJECT, NOCK_FORMULA)

Subject, Formula?

Let's keep this simple:

That's it. We'll see below how this works, going really slowly with examples.

Evaluating Our First Nock Code

OK, so the interpreter takes two arguments, a "subject" and a "formula". Both are nouns (a number or a cell). Let's run some insanely simple Nock code in the Dojo:

~zod:dojo> .*(42 [0 1])

In the above, 42 is our subject. [0 1] is our formula.

Formulas are always cells, and the first element of the cell is a number that you can think of as the name of the function.

In this case, our function name is 0, which is the memory slot function. It is always followed by 1 number, in this case 1, which is the number of the memory slot to fetch in the subject.

Whenever we look at Nock code, we want to ask:

Why is the return value 42? How does this formula work?

Nock's Simplest Functions, 0 and 1

The two most basic Nock functions are 0 and 1. The goal here is to get strong intuitions of what they do, how they handle edge cases, and how this relates to the Nock spec/pseudocode.


Note: Before getting started, you should understand how Nock/Hoon handle addresses in binary trees. I have put 3 resources below

If you already understand why memory slot 5 of

[['apple' %pie] [0b1101 0xdad]]

is %pie, you are good to go and can skip this explanation.

Binary Tree Explanations

My explanation: Every noun in Nock can be thought of as a tree, which means we can give an exact number to access any position in the tree. This means that, no matter how big our subject (argument) is, we can yank a value out of any part of it.

How do you say which slot number you want from the tree?

Let's take an example tree to illustrate. In Nock cell form, the tree is:

[[4 5] [6 14 15]]

Drawn as ASCII art (this is not real Nock code), the tree looks like:

  2      3
4   5  6   7
         14 15


Let's play around now in the dojo Nock interpreter so that we can confirm this. In each example, our subject (argument) will be the tree [[4 5] [6 14 15]].

:: formula (function) [0 1]: get the whole tree
~zod:dojo> .*([[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 1])
[[4 5] 6 14 15]

:: formula (function) [0 2]: get the left branch
~zod:dojo> .*([[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 2])
[4 5]

:: formula (function) [0 7]: get the subtree in slot 7
~zod:dojo> .*([[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7])
[14 15]

0, the "Memory Slot" Function

The pseudocode for the 0 opcode is as follows:

*[a 0 b]  /[b a]

/[b a] is pseudocode. In English, it means "a is a binary tree. Get the memory slot numbered b.

So if a were the tree [9 10], and b were 1, we'd get the memory slot 1 in the tree [9 10], which is just the tree itself.

Written in pseudocode, that's /[1 [9 10]]. We can also do /[2 [9 10]], which grabs memory slot 2, aka 9.

Let's look at some examples. I've put them first in Dojo form so that you can see how they run in that interpreter, and then I show the "human interpreter" in pseudocode below that.

Example 1

:: get memory slot 1
~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [0 1])
[50 51]
:: PSEUDOCODE -- replaces the Dojo's () with []
*[[50 51] [0 1]]
:: *[a 0 b] -> a = [50 51], b = 1
/[1 [50 51]]
[50 51]

Example 2

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [0 2])
:: PSEUDOCODE -- replaces the Dojo's () with []
*[[50 51] [0 2]]
:: *[a 0 b] -> a = [50 51], b = 2
/[2 [50 51]]

Example 3 -- A Crash!

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [0 [0 1]])
ford: %ride failed to execute:
*[[50 51] [0 [0 1]]]
/[[0 1] [50 51]]
:: can't evaluate this--a memory slot must be a number like 2, not a cell like [0 1]

Summary of 0

0 is everywhere in Nock, because "get something from a memory slot" really means "store stuff in a place and get it whenever I want," which is another name for creating variables. These memory slot numbers take the place of variable names.

If you're familiar with assembly or C, they're conceptually similar to memory pointers or registers in how Nock uses them. Keep in mind though, Nock is functional/immutable, so it doesn't update memory locations: it creates copies of data structures with altered values.

We've also seen that the memory slot function can't take just anything as the memory slot to fetch: it must receive an atom (number).

1, the "Quoter" Function

This is another really simple function. You can think of it as a "quoter": it just returns any value passed to it exactly as it is. It ignores the subject, and just quotes the value after it. Let's look at a couple examples.

~zod:dojo> .*([20 30] [1 67])
:: [1 2 587] is same as [1 [2 [587]]]
~zod:dojo> .*([20 30] [1 [2 [587])
[2 587]

It doesn't matter how much information is after the 1: 1 is a dumb function that just returns it all.

The pseudocode for 1 is:

*[a 1 b]  b

In English, this means: "ignore the subject a, and just return everything after the 1 exactly as it is.

Let's look at our first example, .*([20 30] [1 67]). The subject a is [20 30], so we ignore that. What's after the 1? 67, so we return that.

In the second example, "everything after the 1" is longer, but the same rule applies: the Nock interpreter just returns it exactly as it is, after stripping out unnecessary brackets.

4, the Incrementing Function

0 and 1 are simple functions that don't have any nested behavior. Now we're going to move to a function that does have nested children.

Here are code examples of opcode 4, and then we'll look at its pseudocode and break down the examples.

:: example 1
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [4 0 1])

::example 2
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [4 4 0 1])

:: example 3
~zod:dojo> .*([100 150] [4 4 0 3])

:: example 4
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [4 1 98])

::example 5
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [4 1 [0 2]])
ford: %ride failed to execute:

Here's 4's pseudocode, juxtaposed with that of 0 and 1:

:: 4
*[a 4 b]  +*[a b]

:: 0
*[a 0 b]  /[b a]

:: 1
*[a 1 b]  b

In English, this says "when we have subject a, function 4, and Nock code b, first evaluate [a b] as [subject formula], and then add 1 to the result."

If we contrast with 0 and 1, we see that the right side has a * symbol. This symbol means "evaluate the expression again in the Nock interpreter." 0 and 1 did not have this symbol, and that's why they couldn't evaluate nested Nock expressions.

Example 1 Breakdown

.*(50 [4 0 1])

Let's start by translating the dojo's .*(subject formula) to pseudocode of the form *[a b], and then expand it line by line:

:: change to pseudocode
*[50 [4 0 1]]
:: move the 4 to the outside as +
+*[50 [0 1]]
:: expand the 0 opcode to the memory slot operator "/"
+/[1 50]
:: grabs the memory slot
:: evaluate

The [a b] part of +*[a b] expands to:

[50 [0 1]]

OK, this we know how to handle! It's just our 0 function, and it wants the value in memory slot 1 of the subject. That's 50.

So now we that *[a b] = 50, and we just have to add 1 to it (the + in +*[a b]). That is 51, which is exactly what the interpreter gave us.

Example 2 Breakdown

This one is similar, we just have an extra 4. We again start by translating the dojo's .*(subject formula) to pseudocode, and then expand

*[50 [4 4 0 1]]
:: the first 4 moves outside as a '+'
+*[50 [4 0 1]]
:: 2nd 4 becomes a '+'...OK, we have the 0 function again!
++*[50 [0 1]]
++/[1 50]

Example 3 Breakdown

Here we again see lots of 4s applied consecutively, and we also see how we can yank values out of a more complicated subject and manipulate them. Notice how the subject is a cell, not an atom. The rest is the same as in Example 2.

a (the subject) = [100 150]
*[[100 150] [4 4 0 3]]
+*[[100 150] [4 0 3]]
:: Now we've extracted all the increments ("+" signs)
:: So we just grab the value at memory slot 3 ([0 3] command)
++*[[100 150] [0 3]]
++/[3 [100 150]]

Example 4 Breakdown

In the below example, we see how we can use the quote/constant function 1 to generate the value 98 and increment it. We ignore the subject 50 completely.

*[50 [4 1 98]]
:: formula is the "quoter" function: [1 98]
+*[50 [1 98]]

Example 5 Breakdown

Just as opcode 0 had values it couldn't handle (non-atoms), so opcode 4 needs the nested value inside it to evaluate to an atom.

*[50 [4 1 [0 2]]]
:: OK cool, the nested value is a 1 opcode, let's see what happens
+*[50 [1 [0 2]]
:: 1 ignores the subject (50) and just returns [0 2]
+([0 2])
:: oh crap, [0 2] isn't an atom, how can we increment it??? We can't so we crash
ford: %ride failed to execute:


In these examples, we've seen that function 4 can be called as many times in a row as we want. At the end of those calls, it always ends up incrementing a number that either is yanked from the subject (memory slot function 0) or quoted as it is (quote function 1).

the Cell-Maker (aka the Distribution Rule)

The Nock interpreter is allowed to return nouns, which are atoms (positive numbers) or cells (pairs of nouns). What have our functions/opcodes been returning so far?

But what if my subject was [51 67 89], and I wanted to increment every value and return that as [52 68 90]? How can I do that when it's a cell, and 4 only seems able to return atoms?

The answer is something that the Nock docs call the "Distribution Rule" or "implicit cons" (hello, fellow LISPers!), but that I find easiest to think of as the "Cell-Maker Rule."

A Quick Detour into Nock Formulas

We haven't talked much yet about what values are legal to feed into the Nock interpreter (the .*(subject formula) function in the dojo). So far, we've only been using formulas that start with numbers (our functions/opcodes 0/1/4).

Let's now fully solidify our understanding of what's a legal formula by taking a quick look at the 3 possible cases (the format is`.(subject formula)`*):

:: formula is a cell starting with an atom--works; we knew this
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [0 1])

:: formula is just an atom (0)--error, not valid
~zod:dojo> .*(50 0)
ford: %ride failed to execute:

:: now we do: .*(subject [cell1 cell2])
:: so...formula is a cell that starts with a, this works?
~zod:dojo> .*(50 [[0 1] [1 203]])
[50 203]

The Cell-Maker in All His Glory

So apparently a formula cell can start with a cell. The Cell-Maker rule is (from the Nock docs):

*[subject [formula-x formula-y]]
=>  [*[subject formula-x] *[subject formula-y]]

In our example above, formula-x is [0 1], and formula-y is [1 203]. They each evaluate individually against the subject, and the end result is a cell.

Using Our New Powers

We can make as many cells in a row as we want!

~zod:dojo> .*(50 [[0 1] [1 203] [0 1] [1 19] [1 76]])
[50 203 50 19 76]

We can put any operation inside each cell!

:: [19 20] is our subject, just to be clear
:: the rest is formulas you've seen before
~zod:dojo> .*([19 20] [[0 1] [1 76] [4 4 0 3]])
[[19 20] 76 22]

If we take the returned collection [[19 20] 76 22] in order, we can write in English how they connect to our collection of formulas that we passed:

So we can pass one small subject ([19 20]) and make an arbitrarily long collection of values from it, using any functions we want. Cell-Maker ftw!

3 and 5, the "Is This a Cell?" and "Equality Test" Functions

Now we come to functions/opcodes 3 and 5, which are pretty straightforward after we've seen how 4 and the Cell-Maker work. Functions 3 and 5, like 4, allow nested evaluation. Let's put all their pseudocode definitions together to compare:

::  function/opcode 3
*[a 3 b]  ?*[a b]
:: function/opcode 4
*[a 4 b]  +*[a b]
:: function/opcode 5
*[a 5 b c]  =[*[a b] *[a c]]

First of all, notice how the right side of all these "equations" has the evaluation operator, *. This means that these functions can have nested formulas, since they keep evaluating all the way down.

There are some new pseudocode symbols here that we need to translate into English. We already know +: "increment the value after this". Now we also see:

Dojo + Pseudocode Examples of 3, the "Is-This-A-Cell?" Function

Example 1 -- not a cell

~zod:dojo> .*(50 [3 0 1])
*[50 [3 0 1]]
?*[50 [0 1]]
::get memory slot 1 of the subject
:: is 50 a cell? No, so return 1

Example 2 -- yes, this is a cell

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [3 0 1])
*[[50 51] [3 0 1]]
?*[[50 51] [0 1]]
::get memory slot 1 of the subject: [50 51]
?([50 51])
:: is [50 51] a cell? Yes, so return 0

Example 3 -- nested evaluation with one of the other 3/4/5 functions/opcodes

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [4 4 3 0 1])
*[[50 51] [4 4 3 0 1]]
+*[[50 51] [4 3 0 1]]
:: whatever comes out of the 3 function, we're gonna increment twice
++*[[50 51] [3 0 1]]
:: down to just fetching memory slot 1
++?*[[50 51] [0 1]]
++?([50 51])
:: is [50 51] a cell? Yes, so return 0

Example 4 -- check whether multiple things are cells using Cell-Maker

~zod:dojo> .*([[50 51] 52] [[3 0 2] [3 0 3]])
[0 1]
*[[[50 51] 52] [[3 0 2] [3 0 3]]]
?[*[[50 51] 52] [0 2]] 
   *[[50 51] [0 3]]]
:: yank memory slots 2 and 3
?*[[50 51] 52]
:: first is a cell, second is not
[0 1]

Dojo + Pseudocode Examples of 5, the "Equals" Function

Because 5 compares the results of 2 formulas, it always makes 2 inner evaluations of the subject. It's similar to Cell-Maker in this way.

Example 1 -- compare two equal values

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [5 [0 2] [0 2]])
*[[50 51] [5 [0 2] [0 2]]]
:: factor out the =
=[*[[50 51] [0 2]] *[[50 51] [0 2]]]
:: get memory slot 2 twice
=(50 50)

Example 2 -- compare two unequal values

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [5 [0 2] [0 3]])
*[[50 51] [5 [0 2] [0 3]]]
:: factor out the =
=[*[[50 51] [0 2]] *[[50 51] [0 3]]]
:: get memory slot 2 and memory slot 3
=(50 51)

Example 3 -- compare two values, one of which comes from a nested function

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [5 [4 0 2] [0 3]])
*[[50 51] [5 [4 0 2] [0 3]]]
:: factor out the =
=[*[[50 51] [4 0 2]] 
   *[[50 51] [0 3]]]
:: factor out the +
=[+*[[50 51] [0 2]] 
    *[[50 51] [0 3]]]
:: get memory slots 2 and 3
=[+50 51]
:: evaluate the +
=([51 51])

Example 4 -- 5 knows how to compare cells, not just atoms. Erotic.

~zod:dojo> .*([99 99] [5 [1 [99 99]] [0 1]])
*[[99 99] [5 [1 [99 99]] [0 1]]]
=[*[[99 99] [1 [99 99]]]
   *[[99 99] [0 1]]]
:: first cell is the result of quoter function (ignores subject)
:: second cell is the result of fetching memory slot 1 in the subject
=[[99 99] [99 99]]
:: true

2, the "Subject-Altering" and "Stored Procedure" Function

In all our examples so far, the subject has been defined at the start when we call the interpreter, and never changes. But what if we want a different subject?

Motivation, or "Why Would I Want a Different Subject?"

A different subject? Why would we want that? Here's an easy example. Say you found the following piece of Nock code on the interwebz:

[8 [1 0] 8 [1 6 [5 [0 7] 4 0 6] [0 6] 9 2 [0 2] [4 0 6] 0 7] 9 2 0 1]

This is the code for a Nock function that expects a subject that is an atom, and decrements that subject by 1. You could actually enter it in the Dojo right now:

~zod:dojo> .*(100 [8 [1 0] 8 [1 6 [5 [0 7] 4 0 6] [0 6] 9 2 [0 2] [4 0 6] 0 7] 9 2 0 1])

It works! You do not have to understand the code right now; just try entering different numbers instead of 100 to see the program working.

But now imagine that I have a Nock program with a different subject

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] some-formula)

And somewhere inside some-formula, I want to decrement the number 51. I can't pass [50 51] as the subject to my decrementer code above though, because that's a cell, and it expects just an atom (a number).

Subject Altering to the Rescue

The function/opcode 2 is designd to handle this problem for us. Here's the pseudocode, and then I'll explain what the pseudocode means.

*[a 2 b c]  *[*[a b] *[a c]]

2 expects 2 formulas after the subject a: b and c. With those, it:

  1. runs formula b against the subject to set up a new environment/subject derived from the subject
  2. runs formula c against the subject to prepare a 2nd function.
  3. run that 2nd function against the new environment/subject from step (1)

Note that the pseudocode for 2 has nested *s.

*[*[a b] *[a c]]

The 2 inner *s run steps (1) and (2), and the outer one, around the whole expression, runs step (3).


Example 1 — change the subject, have step (2) just call a constant value

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [2 [0 3] [1 [4 0 1]]])
*[[50 51] [2 [0 3] [1 [4 0 1]]]]
:: separate b and c to each run against the subject (steps 1 and 2)
*[*[[50 51] [0 3]] *[[50 51] [1 [4 0 1]]]]
:: after steps 1 and 2, we have a new subject, 51!
:: note how we're back in normal *[subject formula] form
*[51 [4 0 1]]
:: apply the 4 function as we're used to
+*[51 [0 1]]
:: grab 51 from memory slot 1

Example 2 — grab a block of code from the subject in step (2), then run it in step (3).

Think of this as grabbing a "stored procedure" from the subject.

~zod:dojo> .*([[4 0 1] 51] [2 [0 3] [0 2]]])
:: PSEUDOCODE, subject is [[4 0 1] 51]
*[[[4 0 1] 51] [2 [0 3] [0 2]]]]
*[*[[[4 0 1] 51] [0 3]
  *[[[4 0 1] 51][0 2]]
:: step 1 gets memory slot 3, step 2 grabs memory slot 2
*[51 [4 0 1]]
:: looks like a normal 4 opcode to me!
+*[51 [0 1]]
:: grab memory slot 1

Example 3: Back to Our Motivating Case

Remember our decrementing block of code that we couldn't use when the subject was [50 51], instead of just an atom? Opcode 2 makes handling that issue a piece of cake.

We simply use 2 to transform our subject into an atom, and use 1 to quote the decrement block of code before it evaluates in step (3).

~zod:dojo> .*([50 51] [2 [0 2] [1 [8 [1 0] 8 [1 6 [5 [0 7] 4 0 6] [0 6] 9 2 [0 2] [4 0 6] 0 7] 9 2 0 1]]])
:: PSEUDOCODE (subject is [50 51])
:: I substitute "decrement-formula" for that block of Nock code for clarity
*[[50 51] [2 [0 2] [1 decrement-formula]]]
*[*[[50 51] [0 2]] *[[50 51] [1 decrement-formula]]]
:: 1, the quoting function, just returns the decrement-formula, like in Example 1
*[50 decrement-formula]
::decrement-formula has the atom subject that it wants now!

Summary and First Hoon Connections

For those who know a bit of Hoon, Example 2 above is similar-ish to calling an arm that produces a gate, and then running the gate. Most of Hoon runs this type of stored-procedure + subject-altering Nock, and it all uses opcode 2 at its base.

And for those who know Hoon, [[4 0 1] 51] should already be looking a lot like [battery payload]...that's not a coincidence.

We're starting to see the first glimpses of how Hoon's cores, arms and subjects/subject mutations flow out of the fundamental structure of Nock.

We also see how Hoon/Nock lend themselves well to throwing around chunks of code, and adjusting the subject as necessary to create the correct subject/environment against which to run that code.

End of Part 1

You now have seen all the fundamental functions/opcodes in Nock. In Part 2, I'll introduce the remaining functions, which no longer need pseudocode: we have enough scaffolding now to build the rest of Nock from Nock itself. Instead, these new opcodes will just be shortcuts/macros/code expansions of opcodes 1-5.

If you already feel like you're comfortable with Nock now, you can skip my Part 2, and jump directly to the section of the Nock Explanation titled Sugar to see the rest of the opcodes explained.

We'll also start to connect Nock to Hoon, and see how most of the fundamental (and slightly weird) features of Hoon flow directly from Nock's structure, and make a lot more sense in combination with it.