Wet Gates, Explained at Last

Wet gates in Hoon are not mystical or particularly complicated to understand. However, they differ from dry gates in clear, mechanical ways that are important to get a handle on.

Wet gates are simple macros that are expanded in place and checked for type safety at compilation time. They have strict, predictable rules that can be observed by playing around with them, and are not an "anything goes" free-for-all, although they initially may seem like that.

Dry Gate Compilation and Calling

We'll be contrasting with dry gates throughout, so let's just review how those work.

Dry Gate Compilation

When a dry gate declaration is compiled, the following happens:

  1. The body of the dry gate is compiled into Nock (call this "formula")
  2. The bunt of the sample is compiled into Nock (call this "payload")
  3. A core as created with the form [formula payload current-subject]. The formula is given a face named $

As an aside, you can also create dry gates by using the structure

=+  a=9
++  $
  some-code here

Here we do things manually. Step 1 above still happens with our formula in $. We skip step 2. Then we bundle up the core as [formula current-subject], but it just so happens that the head of current-subject is a=9, so we actually have the structure [formula a=9 rest-of-subject]. This is simply done to make a payload with a non-bunt for the sample. Also notice that there's nothing magical about $--it's just the name of an arm.

So the dry gate rune |= is just a code expansion: it "rewrites" code in place:

|=  a=@ud
  (add a 2)
::  expands in place to ...
::  =| pins a value to the head of the subject like =+, 
::  but its product is the bunt value of the type passed
=|  a=@ud
++  $
  (add a 2)

Dry Gate Calling

To use our dry gate in other parts of code, the compiler simply gets its core, replaces its sample with a user-provided sample if one is provided, and runs its formula. For those who are interested, Part 3 of My Nock Primer gives simple examples how the Nock 9 opcode is used to do this.

The compiler also checks at each call location to make sure that the new sample nests under the dry gate's original sample.

The key here is that dry gates are only compiled once, and then are called potentially many times in programs by replacing the sample and running the formula.

What Are Macros?

Besides dry gates, macros are the other prerequisite for understanding wet gates.

Macro is just a general word for code expansion, as opposed to calling a function/subroutine. In our dry gate example above:

Of course, "saving typing" isn't the only benefit of macros: we have bundled |= up into an abstraction that we can cleanly use without having to think about its innards every time, and in a way that makes it easier for us and other programmers to grok when we read it in code.

Some programming languages use macros in extremely complex ways. LISP is the obvious example here; its double-pass evaluation lets you build up fully custom programming languages within it. Much like medieval theology, macros can absorb arbitrary amounts of mental energy: Paul Graham, in particular, has made a career of mentally masturbating to macros while ignoring nearly every other facet of computer science.

Hoon's macros, however, are fairly limited. Runes are one form, and wet gates provide another for handling type issues. We'll see exactly how this works when we get to Wet Gate Calling.

Wet Gate Compilation

The initial compilation of a wet gate is identical to that of a dry gate. The |* rune even expands in the same way as |= does:

|*  a=@ud
  (add a 2)
::  expands to
=|  a=@ud
  ++  $
  (add a 2)

This looks the same process as the compilation of a dry core...and in fact, it is the same process. The difference is that the gate gets marked as "wet", and the compiler treats it differently when called. Let's look at how that works now.

Wet Gate Calling

Imagine we have a gate called listify that takes an argument, and makes it the head of a one-element list. We'll make both a dry and wet version of it, and examine how the compiler treats it when it's called.

dry listify

> =dry-listify |=(a=* [a ~])
> (dry-listify 3)
> (dry-listify 'timluc')
> `(list cord)`(dry-listify 'timluc')

When (dry-listify 3) is called, the compiler just takes the dry-listify core, replaces its sample with 3, and runs the already-compiled formula. Easy.

The limitation, however, is that because the formula was already compiled, it can only deal with 'timluc' as a noun. If we try to cast the return as (list cord) or even (list @), we'll get a nest-fail.

wet listify

> =wet-listify |*(a=* [a ~])
> (wet-listify 3)
> (wet-listify 'timluc')
['timluc' ~]
> `(list @tas)`(wet-listify 'timluc')

Ok, so it seems that our wet gate retained all the type information of the sample, even though it was declared as a=*. How did it do that?

Wet Gate Calling Steps

Whenever a wet gate is called anywhere in a program, the compiler does not call the previously compiled Nock for the wet gate. Instead, it does the following:

  1. Replace the sample of the gate with the caller's sample
  2. re-compile the formula into Nock using that new sample
  3. Check whether the original compiled Nock and this new compiled Nock are the same
  4. If the same, insert the newly compiled formula+sample into the code at this call site: this is a macro expansion. Do not check whether the new sample nests under the original sample; wet gates don't care about that.

The key difference between dry gate calls and wet gate calls is that

Nock Compilation Example

This is clear clearest to understand with a concrete example. What does it look like when newly compiled Nock is the same as the original wet gate Nock? Thanks to the magic of Urbit's "Nock all the way down" data structures, we can quickly check!

In these examples, we use -.the-wet-gate-name to get the head of the wet gate, i.e. its formula (as always, [formula payload context]). The Nock should be simple for those who know it, but you can also just compare it and see when it's the same or different.

Example 1: Same Nock

> -.wet-listify
[[0 6] 1 0]

> =wet-cord-listify |*(a=@t [a ~])
> -.wet-cord-listify
[[0 6] 1 0]

> =wet-gate-listify |*(a=$-(* *) [a ~])
> -.wet-gate-listify
[0 6] 1 0]

Even those these gates have different sample types, their Nock compiles to the same formula. This makes intuitive sense: all of them use the sample in the same way. They just fetch it and stick it in the head of a list.

Example 2: Good, Bad, Ugly

> =wet-gate-call |*(f=[$-(* *)] (f 3))
> -.wet-gate-call
[8 [0 6] 9 2 10 [6 7 [0 3] 1 3] 0 2]

> =wet-gate-call-2 |*(f=_dec (f 3))
> -.wet-gate-call-2
[8 [0 6] 9 2 10 [6 7 [0 3] 1 3] 0 2]

> =wet-gate-bad |*(f=@ud (f 3))
dojo: hoon expression failed

> =wet-gate-diff-nock |*(f=@ud f)
> -.wet-gate-diff-nock
[0 6]

With wet-gate-call, our wet gate creates Nock that runs a gate sample on the number 3. That has the same Nock as wet-gate-call-2, whose sample is the type of gate dec.

In wet-gate-bad, however, it breaks, because we try to compile with a sample of @ud (bunt value: 0), but that has no arm, so it doesn't work to call it as a function, and we get an error saying that there's no +2 memory slot.

Finally, wet-gate-diff-nock does compile, but when we check its Nock formula, it's different, because it doesn't call the sample as a gate.

Think of the compiler of doing these steps each time it encounters a wet gate call. Usually when it throws an error it does so because the formula tries to "do" something to the sample that isn't possible.

Call Site Expansion Code

The above were all compilations of original wet gates, but the call-site expansion is basically the same. You can think of it as being like this:

::  original wet gate
> =wet-listify |*(a=* [a ~])
> -.wet-listify
[[0 6] 1 0]

::  macro expansion for a new sample type at a call site
::  this is what would basically happen if the call site sample were 'timluc'
::  as in (wet-listify 'timluc')
> =full-expansion =+  a='timluc'
> |@
> ++  $  [a ~]  --

> -.full-expansion
[[0 6] 1 0]
> +<.full-expansion

Notice that our sample of our full-expansion core is now type @t, but the Nock is the same. This new core will be inserted at the call site and called.

Wet Gate Sample Constraints

If wet gates just recompile the gate, and don't check for whether the new sample nests under the original one, does the declared sample even matter for a wet gate? That depends on how the sample is used inside the gate.

Example 1: Sample Is Used Specifically

> =foo |*(a=$-(* *) (a 9))
> (foo |=(x=@ud +(x)))
> (foo 3)

Here we use the sample internally as a gate. So it works when we pass an actual gate, but chokes when we give it the value 3, and tells us that 3 doesn't have a $ face in its +2 memory slot (in fact, it has no memory slot 2 at all).

Example 2: Sample Could Be Anything

Now let's modify foo from the prior example to just return its sample:

> =bar |*(a=$-(* *) a)
> (bar 3)
> (bar |=(a=@ud a))
::  returns whole gate

In this case, when the initial Nock is compiled using the bunt value for the sample, the generated Nock is simple: itjust returns the sample's value. In fact, we can investigate this in the Dojo:

> -.bar
[0 6]

This is just Nock for "return the value located at memory slot 6", which for a gate [formula payload context] is simply the value of payload. Contrast with -.foo:

> -.foo
[8 [0 6] 9 2 10 [6 7 [0 3] 1 9] 0 2]

Here, the formula is doing a lot more. (Exactly what it's doing will be clear to those who follow the path of Nock).

So, Does the Wet Gate's Sample Type Matter?

As we've seen, the wet gate's sample type matters inasmuch as the gate's formula does operations that depend on that type. As a result, when you see wet gates declared with types, the type usually indicates to you how generic the operations performed inside are, although we don't know for sure until we compile the Nock at a given call site.

Wet Gates as Higher-Order Gates

So far, we've just seen wet gates declared and then called from elsewhere (the "call site", which has been the Dojo in our examples). However, you can also create wet gates that themselves take wet and dry gates as arguments.

These gates with gate arguments are called "higher-order" gates. They receive a gate as an argument, and uses it inside in the formula. The clearest example of this is turn in hoon.hoon, which simply takes a list and a gate, and modifies each element of the list using the gate.

Analyzing Higher-Order Wet Gates

When analyzing higher-order wet gates, there are two key questions:

  1. How is the gate argument used inside the formula?
  2. Why does this take a dry vs. wet gate as its argument? (or vice versa)

turn's code

turn takes a list and a dry gate as arguments:

++  turn
  ~/  %turn
  |*  [a=(list) b=gate]
  =>  .(a (homo a))
  ^-  (list _?>(?=(^ a) (b i.a)))
  ?~  a  ~
  [i=(b i.a) t=$(a t.a)]

The key things to note here is that b is always used as a gate that takes the type inside a (a list) as its sample. So as long our calls of turn use a sample with a as a (list xtype) and b as a gate that takes xtype as its sample, the code at the call site will expand fine.

The other key here is that at the call site, we know all of the types involved. For example:

> (turn ~[9 56 4] dec)
~[8 55 3]

When we create our call to turn, we know that we have a list of a certain type (here of atoms), and so we can choose a gate that works on that type (dec). Then the compiler goes ahead and re-compiles a new core for turn with this new sample, and inserts that core and calls it.

To answer our two questions from above:

  1. "How is the gate argument used inside the formula?" Answer: it's a dry gate, so it is compiled to Nock once, and then that formula is called 2 separate times inside turn.
  2. "Why does turn take a dry gate as its argument instead of a wet one?" Answer: turn takes a dry gate, because, as we saw above, its callers know what types they are dealing with.

Passing Wet Gates as Arguments

So for turn we knew at the call site what types we were dealing with. But what if we didn't?

In that case, we'd want to use a wet gate at the call site itself.


comp is another hoon.hoon function, used for parsing. We'll ignore exactly what it does, and just look at two parts of it:

++  comp
  =+  raq=|*({a/* b/*} [a b]) 
  ++  $
  ::  ... body elided ...
    [p=yur q=[~ u=[p=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit) q=q.u.q.yit]]]

We use the =+ with |@ ++ $ syntax we saw earlier to declare a wet gate with non-bunt default sample.

Our sample is the wet gate raq, which itself is a wet gate. Don't let this throw you: turn was a wet gate that took a dry gate sample; comp is just a wet gate that takes a wet gate sample.

raq is used in the body where we have p=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit) -- i.e., it is called with 2 arguments.

So we can answer our 1st question: "How is the gate argument (raq) used inside the formula?" Answer: whatever wet gate is passed as raq is recompiled and turned into Nock in place using p.u.q.vex and p.u.q.yit as the sample to compile with.

The 2nd question: "Why does comp take a wet gate argument instead of a dry one?" To answer this with turn, we made a representative call in Dojo. For comp, let's search hoon.hoon for (comp and see what we get...

++  pfix                                                ::  discard first rule
  ~/  %pfix
  |*  sam={vex/edge sab/rule}
  %.  sam
  (comp |*({a/* b/*} b))
::  ...
++  sfix                                                ::  discard second rule
  ~/  %sfix
  |*  sam={vex/edge sab/rule}
  %.  sam
  (comp |*({a/* b/*} a))

Both pfix and sfix are wet gates...so they don't know exactly what types of edge and rule they'll be working with until they themselves are called in some program. So our call to comp needs to be a wet gate, because a dry one would be too specific at the time pfix and sfix are written.

Note on Gates Passed by pfix and sfix

The observant spergmeister may notice that while the default raq value is a wet gate that takes [a=* b=*] and returns [a b], the wet gates passed by pfix and sfix only return b and a, respectively. Is this an issue?

The answer follows from our "Wet Gate Sample Constraints" discussion above. Ignore the fact that raq is a wet gate, and just focus on the fact that it's the sample of comp. Because comp is a wet gate, when it is first compiled it uses the default value of raq and makes sure that that works.

raq is only used in one place: p=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit), and it works here, because it is taking two arguments, and just assigning the return value to the face p.

When we call comp in pfix, that initial compilation of comp is re-done, using the new gate |*({a/* b/*} b). This gate is inserted into the expression p=(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit). Does that work? Yup, it also takes two arguments, and because the return value is simply assigned to p, it doesn't matter that we return b instead of [a b].

However, imagine that, hypothetically, comp did use the return value of raq in a cell-specific way:

::  hypothetical alternate `raq` usage in `comp`
p=-:(raq p.u.q.vex p.u.q.yit)

In this case, we might not be able to pass |*({a/* b/*} b) as our call-site argument in pfix, because when the compiler re-compiled comp with this value, it would choke whenever the b returned was not a cell.

Summary of Higher-Order Wet Gates


We learned that